Top 12 Dogs Your Kids Will Love

Cavaliers are also among the most adorable canines with floppy ears.

Cavalier King Charles spaniel

Golden retriever

Because of their gentle, caring temperaments, golden retrievers are among the most well-known canines.

Labrador retriever

Labs are renowned for their child-friendliness, making them one of the finest breeds for families.


These adorable, kind, and gentle pack animals flourish on companionship. 

The Frenchie, as they are affectionately known, is a small dog with a large personality.

French bulldog

Include a boxer in your family, and you will never again feel unprotected. 

Lagotto Romagnola

These small, low-shedding fur balls are among the most sociable dogs on the planet.

Bichon frise

There is a distinct possibility that cocker spaniels mistake themselves for humans. 

Cocker spaniel

Smooth collies have shorter coats than their rough counterparts.


 This could be the perfect dog for you. Although no dog is completely hypoallergenic, poodles appear to produce fewer.


Labradoodles, an intentional cross between poodles and Labrador retrievers, are as charming as their name suggests. 


This Instagram star has a significant cuddle factor. Pugs are a popular choice among children who prefer gentle play/.


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