Thick Brush Stroke

The 7 Most Nutrient-Dense Vegetables

Thick Brush Stroke


This leafy green tops the chart as one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables.

Thick Brush Stroke


Carrots are packed with vitamin A, delivering 119% of the DV in just 1 cup (128 g)Trusted Source. It also contains nutrients like vitamin C and potassium.

Thick Brush Stroke


Just 1 cup (91 g)Trusted Source of raw broccoli provides 77% of the DV for vitamin K, 90% of the DV for vitamin C, and a good amount of folate, manganese, and potassium.

Thick Brush Stroke


Garlic Trusted Source is very nutritious while fairly low on calories, and most people usually consume a small amount as an ingredient in cooking.

Thick Brush Stroke

Brussels sprouts

They also contain kaempferol, an antioxidant that may beTrusted Source particularly effective in preventing cell damage.

Thick Brush Stroke


Only 1 cup (21 g)Trusted Source of raw kale is loaded with potassium, calcium, copper, and vitamins A, B, C, and K.

Thick Brush Stroke

Green peas

Peas are a starchy vegetable, which means they have more carbs and calories than non-starchy veggies and may affect blood sugar levels when eaten in large amounts.