The 6 Most Depressed Zodiac Sign

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Cancer is a sensitive and emotional water sign that is deeply connected to their feelings. They tend to absorb other people's emotions and can easily become overwhelmed.

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Libra is an air sign that values harmony and balance in their relationships. They can become easily overwhelmed by conflict or criticism, which can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair.

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Because Pisces are very attached to order and tradition, they are the first to sink into a constant state of melancholy if their family is one of those who do not get along.

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When the natives of Taurus have the feeling of being still in life, they get carried away instantly. Stagnation annoys them because if there is one feeling they fear, it is that of uselessness.

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While anxiety is the lot of everyone, it is particularly present in Virgos. Indeed, they often create scenarios in their minds that always end in disaster.  

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If Scorpios are among the signs that can easily sink into depression, it's because they live with a certain fear that can affect their quality of life.