"Peanuts contain the highest amount of protein out of any other nut. They're also a good source of magnesium, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. While nuts can be quite expensive, depending on the type you buy, peanuts are among the more affordable variety,"
"Almonds are high in vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant known for helping to clear free radicals and inflammatory compounds from the body,"
"The wonderful thing about pistachios is they contain all nine essential amino acids or amino acids the body cannot make on its own and must get from food,"
"Copper, which is abundant in cashews, can help support bone and cardiovascular health,"
"Hazelnuts may be more known as a flavoring for coffee or chocolate, but they also have a good amount of protein. Higher in fat than most nuts, they still contain a good ratio of monounsaturated fat that's been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease,"
"Walnuts have among the highest fat content of any other nut,"