Bring More Hummingbirds to Your Small Garden

Choose native flowers that hummingbirds love, like trumpet vine and bee balm. These plants provide the nectar hummingbirds crave and thrive in your local climate.

Hang multiple hummingbird feeders around your garden. Use feeders with bright colors and change the nectar regularly to keep it fresh and appealing.

Install small branches or trellises where hummingbirds can rest. Perching spots give them a place to survey the area and return to after feeding.

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Set up shallow water dishes or a mister in your garden. Hummingbirds need water for drinking and bathing, and these features will attract them.

Skip the pesticides in your garden. Pesticides can harm hummingbirds and reduce the insects they feed on, making your garden less appealing to them.

Create a layered garden with flowers, shrubs, and trees at different heights. This structure provides ample feeding and nesting opportunities for hummingbirds.

Incorporate bright colors in your garden decor and plant selection. Hummingbirds are drawn to reds, pinks, and oranges, which signal abundant nectar sources.


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