Young green coconuts supply the slightly sweet, nutty, clear liquid you’ll find in ready-to-drink bottled or canned coconut water.
In addition, a cup of OJ also serves up a full serving of fruit, as well as an excellent source of immune-supporting vitamin C.
Pomegranate juice is a ruby red-hued juice, made by pressing whole pomegranates.
Agua fresca is a popular beverage originating from Mexico that translates to "fresh water" and can be enjoyed at any time of day.
Many people like lemon water at the start of the day to get in some good hydration.
Broth isn’t just for making soup. From chicken to beef and vegetable, any kind of broth can be consumed for hydration, says Jones.
Kefir is a fermented milk beverage that has a tart and tangy taste and a thick milkshake-like consistency.