"Edamame is one of the rare sources of plant protein that is a complete protein source. That means it contains all the essential amino acids the body needs, which is particularly important for muscle growth and maintenance."
"Beef jerky is made by removing most of the fat content from the beef during the drying process, making it a convenient protein-rich snack with relatively low-fat content,"
"Lentils are in the same category as beans, which means they're a starchy vegetable and a carb source,"
"Turkey jerky provides protein with minimal fat, making it a suitable choice for those looking to reduce their fat intake while enjoying a savory and portable snack,"
"Shrimp is one of the leanest sources of animal protein you can get, meaning it has one of the lowest fat contents relative to protein content, making it a fantastic choice for pescatarians and non-red meat eaters."
"Top sirloin offers a decent amount of protein while being leaner compared to some other cuts, making it a suitable choice for those seeking a balance between flavor and lower fat content,"
"Given pork's bad reputation, it may shock most people to hear that pork tenderloin has less fat than chicken breast. This is because it comes from the pig's backside, which is the less fatty portion,"